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Phi Sigma Pi Beta Omicron
University of North Carolina Wilmington
Check out some of the unique events held by the Beta Omicron Chapter to foster the principle of Scholarship within our brotherhood. Brothers look forward each semester to a wide range of events, some that are traditional to the chapter and some that are just plain fun!
Visit to the SerpentariumBeta Omicron brother, Chris Lewis, holding a snake during our visit to the Wilmington Serpentarium, where brothers got up close and person with some of the world's deadliest reptiles! | Do You Know Your Wilmy?Brothers love learning about the beautiful city of Wilmington that we live in. Whether catching up on the latest movies that have been filmed here or simply learning some local history, we are proud to say that we could not imagine living anywhere else. | St. Patty's Day!Brother, Justine Celli, attending the Wilmington St. Patty's day festival where she learned about the history of St. Patty's day, while also having a great time! |
Cooking with TaylorA semi-annual scholarship event that is held within the Beta Omicron Chapter. This evening is filled with fun and laughter as one of our brothers, Taylor Smith, invites fellow brothers to come join him in whipping up a delicious home cooked meal. | Meeting RJ MitteTwo very lucky brothers, Julia Russell and Hannah Rodgers attended a presentation by RJ Mitte, who plays Walter Jr. in the hit tv drama Breaking Bad. RJ presented the challenges he has faced as an individual with a disability and how has been able to overcome them. | Pumpkin Carving NightBrother, Racheal Lenig, shows off her pumpkin carving skills. An annual event hosted by the Beta Omicron Chapter, brothers learn how to properly carve a pumpkin while also learning some spooky Halloween themed facts. |
"The acquisition and dissemination of information and knowledge through scholarship"
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